What is Hindu Panchang – Vedic Panchang
Hindu calendar or Panchang is a widely used Hindu calendar in India. It is also called as panjika in some places. The term ‘panchang’ means ‘five parts’ viz Vaar, Tithi, Karan, Nakshatra and Yog. The Hindu calendar is used to determine auspicious days for marriage and other religious functions, as well as for festivals and other events. The calendar also predicts the future of people based on their birth star sign or zodiac sign.
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Vikram Samvat: This type of Hindu Panchang is used in North India. It is based on the Vikram Samvat calendar which was created by king Vikramaditya in 57 BC. The Vikram Samvat calendar has two different systems for calculating time: sidereal and tropical. The sidereal system uses an imaginary point called vernal equinox to measure time whereas, the tropical system uses an imaginary point called vernal equinox to measure time.
Bhavishya Panchang: This type of Hindu Panchang is used in South India where it has been used since ancient times. It helps people plan their activities according to the movement of heavenly bodies such as sun, moon and planets so that they can perform them at appropriate times during the year according to their astrological signs or horoscope signs.”
Panchang (Free Online Hindu Calendar) can be divided into two parts: Varshik and Pratikal. Varshik gives information about the month, day, week and year while Pratikal gives information about sunrise, sunset and moonrise timings for each day in that month. Each month has a fixed number of days and each day has specific times when it begins or ends depending on its position in relation to sunrise or sunset.
The Hindu calendar has 12 months, which are named according to the position of the sun in the sidereal solar year. The names of months are: Chaitra (March-April), Vaisakh (April-May), Jyestha (May-June), Ashadha (June-July), Shravana (July-August), Bhadra (August-September), Asvina (September-October), Kartika (October-November), Margashirsha (November-December) Pausa (December-January) Magha (January-February) Phalguna (February-March). This is one of the best way of finding Auspicous time for any event in life.
Parts of Panchang
Tithi – Lunar day -30 ( Moon Long-Surya Long Divided by 12).
Karana – Half of Tithi – 11.
Vaar – Day -7.
Nakshatra – 27Asterisms of Stars/star cluster in the sky circle.
Yog – 27 – Sum of Longitudes of Surya & Chandra Divided by 13 Deg 20min.
Vaar in Panchang
A particular day gets its name due to the hora of the planet at the time of Sunrise. This ang is based upon the Surya only. It helps us in Increasing the life on this earth.
The days of the week along with the ruler planets are :
Sunday (Sun)
Monday (Moon)
Tuesday (Mars)
Wednesday (Mercury)
Thursday (Jupiter)
Friday (Venus)
Saturday (Saturn)
Tithi in Panchang
Tithi – The Ang that can be used to know time of worship, Festivals Muhurat & Events in life. This Ang is based upon both Surya & Chandra
Calculation – Chandra Long. – Surya Long. Divided by 12. Why 12? Because length of 1 tithi is 12 degree (on an average). Sometimes it transcends to 15 degree too.
This Ang is based on Jal tattva and Due to this Chandra Plays important role, infact more than Surya. Due to this Tattva – It denotes Passion, Desire, Relationships,Prosperity & Wealth mainly. It bring Prosperity in life.
For Tithi, we must understand Paksha – Shukla & Krishna Paksha.
Karan in Panchang
What is karana – It means Cause , Action, Reason! Since is purely based on tithi. So, it is cause/force for your desires or aspirations. You can say Karan lord has major role in your work life. Half of the tithi is called Karana. When the Chandra & Surya are 6 deg apart then 1 Karana gets completed. Its Tattva is Prithvi, so overall Budh is Important. It denotes Activity, Hardwork, Success/Achievements in daily life. It also has connection with Study.
That is, there are two Karanas in one tithi.
There are 11 Karana in Total. 7 are Chara & 4 Are Sthira. In 1 Chandra Maas, there are 60 Karanas.
Knowledge of Karana helps us in Getting Success in Life’s Endeavors.
Stithra Karana in Panchang
Shakuni – Starts from 2nd half of K.P Chaturdashi.
Chatushpad – 1st half of Amavasya.
Naag – 2nd half of Amavasya.
Kimstugna – 1st half of S.P Pratipada.
Chara Karana in Panchang
Bava – Surya
Balava – Chandra
Kaulava – Mangal
Taitila – Budh
Garija – Guru
Vanija – Shukra
Visti/Bhadra – Shani
Nakshatra in Panchang
देवगृहा वै नक्षत्राणि – deva-gṛhā vai nakṣatrāṇi
The Nakṣatra Are The Homes Of The Gods!
Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa
What is Nakshatra – Cluster of Stars is called as Nakshatra. Its tattva is Vayu (Airy). There are 28 Nakshatra in total including Abhijit, but we use 27 Nakshatra in Jatak Faladesh. We uses Abhijit in muhurat and Mundane Astrology.
The term “Nakshatra,” when broken down into its constituent parts: “naks” meaning “sky” and “shetra” meaning “region”, translate into “Sky Map.” Another translation is arrived at using a different dissection: “naksha” is “map” and “tara” is “star” and so Nakshatra is “Star Map.”
1 Nakshatra is of 13 Degree 20 minutes. Chandra Degree in a particular day decides the Nakshatra of the Day.
Knowledge of Nakshatra helps us in Removing Prarabdha / Past Life Wrong Deeds.
Yog in Nakshatra
Yog means Milan ! Jod ! Saath !
What is Yog – When two entity comes together in conjunction, we call it Yog. Now we use Yog/Yoga term in Jyotish as Benefic and Dosha term as Malefic, but Dosha is also a Yoga of two or more malefic entity. So, Yog means Conjunction. It’s a Akasha Tattva
Yog is calculated by Adding the longitude of Surya and Moon from Aries. Result will be divided by 13 Degree 20 min = 800 min. The Quotient +1 is your Yoga.
There are 27 Yoga (Nithya Yoga) in Panchang which are different from Horoscope Yoga. Yoga helps in Health or Immunity from illnesses.